U.S Markets closed higher on Friday. Right now Dow futures are crashing. SGX Nifty on Friday was up 300 points. Right now it's down 400 points. Worrying sign is India VIX above 30. This war news doesn't seem to end soon and this is causing lot of jitterness globally. Reports have been out suggesting Ukraine isn't ready to talk and keep down their arms. This has triggered another negative sentiment globally. Until and unless this war settles , markets would be reacting on every headline news. This would increase the Volatility manifold and would further create problems to trade. The best suggestion as of now is to stay away from Market for a while. Let this Volatility settle , let the Market settle and then you can always trade. As nobody knows what news could pop out and make markets even more reactive. Tomorrow we have a trading Holiday and it's advisable not to carry positions over the day. If you are trading it's better to settle Positions Intraday on...